Bird Feeder

Top 5 Most Surprising Birds You Can Attract to Your Bird Feeder

Top 5 Most Surprising Birds You Can Attract to Your Bird Feeder


Bird watching is an enchanting hobby that allows us to forge a deeper connection with nature and appreciate the marvels of avian creatures. As a devoted bird enthusiast in India, you can elevate your bird-watching experience by adorning your garden or balcony with a bird feeder. Sparrow Daughter offers a diverse array of meticulously handcrafted bird feeders, including exquisite half-bamboo shaped designs and elegant hanging feeders. Each piece is carefully crafted with love and dedication by skilled artisans. 

In this blog, we will delve into an fascinating exploration of the top five most astonishing birds you can attract to your bird feeder in India, infusing your outdoor space with an undeniable sense of magic and awe.

1. Indian Pitta

The Indian Pitta, with its vibrant plumage and melodious song, is a sight to behold. These beautiful birds are known for their striking combination of bright green, blue, and yellow feathers. By providing a diverse selection of bird feeders with a mix of fruits, insects, and seeds, you can entice the Indian Pitta to visit your garden. Hang a bird water feeder nearby to ensure they have access to fresh water for drinking and bathing.

2. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

Prepare to be mesmerised by the stunning colours of the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher. Despite its name, this bird doesn’t exclusively feed on fish. It is primarily insectivorous, so a bird feeder filled with mealworms or small insects will attract these tiny, jewel-toned marvels. Consider placing a bird feeder in a shaded area to create a welcoming environment for the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher.

3. Indian Paradise Flycatcher

The Indian Paradise Flycatcher is a graceful bird that adds an air of elegance to any garden. The male has long, streaming white tail feathers that create a mesmerising spectacle during courtship displays. To attract this enchanting species, set up a bird feeder with a mix of fruits, nectar, and small insects. A hanging bird feeder near trees or shrubs will provide them with a comfortable perching spot.

4. Rose-ringed Parakeet

Known for their vibrant emerald-green plumage and distinctive rose-coloured neck rings, Rose-ringed Parakeets are a common sight in many Indian cities. These intelligent and social birds can be enticed to visit your bird feeder with a variety of seeds, fruits, and nuts. Consider installing a balcony bird feeder filled with their favourite treats to observe their playful antics up close.

5. Rock Pigeon

While often overlooked, Rock Pigeons can bring charm and beauty to your bird feeding area. These adaptable birds have a diverse diet and are particularly fond of grains and seeds. Place a pigeon feeder in a quiet corner of your garden or balcony, away from other bird feeders, to provide them with their own designated space to feed comfortably.

Tips on How to Keep Your Bird Feeder Clean

Maintaining a clean bird feeder is essential for the health and well-being of the birds that visit your garden or balcony. Here are some helpful tips to ensure your bird feeder stays clean and safe for our feathered friends:

1. Regular Cleaning Schedule

Establish a regular cleaning schedule for your bird feeder. Depending on the weather and usage, aim to clean it at least once every two weeks. During periods of heavy rain or high humidity, more frequent cleaning may be required.

2. Remove Old Seeds and Debris

Before cleaning, empty the bird feeder of any leftover seeds or debris. Remove all the old food, as it can spoil and become a breeding ground for bacteria or mould.

3. Soak in a Mild Cleaning Solution

Prepare a mild cleaning solution using warm water and a gentle dish soap. Submerge the feeder parts in the soapy water and let them soak for a few minutes. This will help loosen any dirt or grime.

4. Scrub Gently

Using a soft brush or sponge, gently scrub the feeder parts, including the feeding ports, perches, and trays. Pay special attention to removing any residue or buildup. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they may damage the feeder or leave behind harmful residues.

5. Rinse Thoroughly

After scrubbing, rinse all the feeder parts thoroughly with clean water. Ensure there is no soap residue left behind.

6. Dry Completely

Allow all the parts of the bird feeder to air dry completely before reassembling. Moisture can promote the growth of mould or bacteria, so it’s crucial to ensure the feeder is completely dry.


Bringing the wonders of birds closer to your home is a rewarding experience. By setting up a bird feeder, you can attract a variety of surprising avian species to your outdoor space in India. Sparrow Daughter offers a range of bird feeders, birdhouses and more that are not only beautifully crafted but also environmentally responsible, supporting wildlife conservation efforts and empowering female artisans. So, go ahead and create a bird-friendly oasis in your garden, and let the delightful symphony of feathered visitors bring joy and wonder to your days.

Don’t miss the opportunity to explore our exceptional collection of bird feeders, including pigeon feeders and sparrow feeders, available online at Sparrow Daughter. Each purchase you make supports wildlife conservation, empowers female artisans, and promotes sustainable practices. Let’s make a meaningful impact on our world together.