Bird House

Best Locations for Pigeon Bird House: Sun, Shade, or Both?

Best Locations for Pigeon Bird House: Sun, Shade, or Both?

If you’re planning to keep pigeons, one of the essential aspects is to provide them with a comfortable and safe shelter. One of the crucial decisions that pigeon enthusiasts need to make is weather to keep their birdhouses in the sun, shade, or both. In this comprehensive blog, we will discuss the best locations for the pigeon bird houses, including the pros, and cons of sun, shade, or both. We will also look at other critical factors pigeon lovers need to consider when setting up a birdhouse.

The Importance of Picking the Right Location

Choosing the right location for a pigeon bird house is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, pigeons require shelter from the elements to stay healthy and happy. 

Secondly, the right location can ensure that the birdhouse is protected from predators. Thirdly, a good location will ensure that the pigeons have easy access to food and water.

Sun or Shade?

When it comes to the location of a pigeon bird house, there are two main options: sun or shade. Here we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option.



  • Sun is essential for the growth of plants and trees, which provide shelter and food for pigeons.
  • The warmth of the sun can help keep the pigeons healthy by preventing them from getting too cold.
  • Sun can help dry out the pigeon bird house, preventing moisture from building up inside.


  • Too much sun can cause the pigeon bird house to become too hot, making it uncomfortable for the pigeons to live in.
  • Pigeons prefer to roost in the shade during the hottest part of the day, so a bird house in the sun may not be used as much.



  • Shade provides relief from the hot sun, making the pigeon bird house a more comfortable place for pigeons to live.
  • A shaded area can also provide protection from predators, as it can be more difficult for them to spot the pigeon bird house.


  • Shade can create a damp environment, which can lead to moisture buildup inside the pigeon bird house.
  • If the pigeon bird house is located in a heavily shaded area, it may not receive enough sunlight to dry out, leading to mould and mildew.


An alternative to choosing between sun or shade is to pick a location that offers both. This can be achieved by placing the pigeon bird house in an area that receives sun for part of the day and shade for the other part.


  • This option provides the best of both worlds, with pigeons being able to enjoy the benefits of both sun and shade.
  • A balanced environment can help keep pigeons healthy and comfortable.


  • Finding the right location that provides both sun and shade can be challenging.
  • It may require more effort and time to maintain a pigeon bird house that is located in a partially shaded area.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to sun and shade, there are other critical factors that pigeon lovers need to consider when setting up a bird house. These include:

1. Ventilation

Pigeons need fresh air to breathe, and a well-ventilated bird house is crucial for their health and well-being. Adequate ventilation helps prevent the buildup of harmful gases such as ammonia, which can cause respiratory problems in the pigeons.

2. Protection from Predators

Pigeons are vulnerable to predators such as cats, hawks, and raccoons. Pigeon lovers need to ensure that their bird houses are secure and protected from these predators.

3. Space

Pigeons need enough space to move around freely and stretch their wings. A cramped bird house can lead to stress, which can cause health problems in the pigeons.

4. Easy access to food and water

Pigeons require access to food and water, so the location of the bird house should be close to a food source and a water source.

5. Privacy

Pigeons prefer quiet and private areas to roost, so the bird house should be located away from high-traffic areas.

6. Height

Pigeon bird houses should be placed at a height that is safe for both pigeons and humans to access. A height of at least six feet is recommended.

7. Cleanliness

Pigeons need a clean environment to thrive. Bird houses should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and fungi that can cause infections and diseases in the pigeons.

If you are a bird lover, considering buying a high-quality pigeon bird house for your birds, one of the most important decisions is choosing the right bird house. A comfortable and secure pigeon birdhouse is essential for the health and well-being of your birds. For a high-quality and handcrafted pigeon birdhouse for sale, Sparrow Daughter is an excellent choice. They offer a wide range of pigeon birdhouses, all made from high-quality materials such and their birdhouses are not only durable but also visually appealing, making them a great addition to any backyard.

In addition to pigeon bird houses, Sparrow Daughter also offers a wide variety of handcrafted leather bird houses, birdfeeders, and birdbaths. These products are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, adding a touch of elegance to your backyard.


In conclusion, the best location for a pigeon birdhouse is one that provides a balance between sun and shade. Exposure to sunlight is crucial for the pigeons’ health and well-being, but too much sunlight can be harmful. Shade is also essential to protect the pigeons from the sun’s harmful UV rays, but too much shade can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, a birdhouse placed in an area with both sun and shade is the best option.

Pigeon lovers also need to consider other critical factors when setting up a birdhouse, including ventilation, protection from predators, space, and cleanliness. A well-ventilated, secure, spacious, and clean birdhouse provides the perfect environment for pigeons to thrive.

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